Cannibals Artists
New Work
Tom Eichacker
Sylvia Miller
Jeremy Hardie
Jo Grishman
Darlene Shaper
Larry Cwik
LeeAnn Gauthier
When not pirating the high seas, LeeAnn Gauthier continues her photo fusions mixing her love of classic cars with the public's adoration of flowers & gardens. This Blue Moon Quija board was collected on her explorations around SE Portland.
Jason Berlin
Jason has been working with the APP 53 on his iPad exploring a personal cosmology influenced by 17th century tantric paintings from Rajasthan India. Ecology, native folk and tribal traditions, and his own symbols and codes recontextualized as a way to creat a conceptual bridge between Jason's daily drawing practice and painting.
Greg Hanson
Srule Brachman
In Memory
Ken Shores 1928 - 2014
For over fifty years, Ken had worked in the arts-an artist, administrator, collector and teacher. He has been collected by major museums around the world. He is historically significant as a major player in the movement during the 1950's which raised pottery from a functional level to a level of fine art. He was one of Cannibals patrons.