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Celebrating A New Year-Celebrating New Work
January 2014
Sylvia Miller
Jason Berlin
Larry Cwik
Larry has two pieces up in Bling, 20th Anniversary Exhibit at the Mark Woolley Gallery, 700 SW Fifth Av, Third Floor, until 1/25/14. He also has two pieces at the Male Form Show at Angst Gallery, 1015 Main St., Vancouver, WA until 1/25/14
Kurtiss Lofstrom
Kurtis will be showing in the "Illusions Show" at Splendaporium, opening January 10th.
Mark Crummett
Mark has a show at Mt. Hood Community College...January 2 - 30th in the Fireplace Gallery in the Student Union-Room AC1051.
Monday-Thursday...8 am to 7 pm and Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Monday-Thursday...8 am to 7 pm and Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Denise Althea Graham
Mark Counts
Mark Counts is showing his work at 1316A Mount St. Helens Way NE, Castle Rock, WA, Tuesday - Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm.
Greg Hanson
Greg is selling his work at the Cog and Pearl Gallery,
190 5th Av., Brooklyn, NY (Tuesday-Saturday Noon to 8pm,
Sunday Noon to 6 pm, Monday closed)
190 5th Av., Brooklyn, NY (Tuesday-Saturday Noon to 8pm,
Sunday Noon to 6 pm, Monday closed)
The Glean Program has once again opened up its application process for artists who live in the Portland area. The program, sponsored by the "Crackedpots" folks, is seeking five artists for a fourth season of gleaning for materials at the Metro Transfer Station (the city dump). Cannibals has already had two artists accepted into this residency (season one and two), and the door is now open for others. Once again, each artist is awarded a $2,000 stipend with five months to glean and create at least ten pieces from those "trashed/recycled materials" found at the Transfer Station. You can read more about it HERE and download the application form-you have only until the end of this month. You can also check out the information (and photos) that was blogged by the artists from the last two years HERE.