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Cannibals Gallery in New York City....AGAIN!
The Celebration of Whimsy in the East Village of NYC has opened its doors once again to highlight the art from Portland's Cannibals Gallery. Artist, Mark Crummett, is now showing his photography over the holidays at C.O.W. Check out some of Mark's latest work here:
Cannibals artist, Kurtiss Lofstrom, has his work at KALA in Astoria, OR, as well as Guardino Gallery on Alberta St. Kurtiss has recently been chosen for the international juried show, "Disaster/Resilience," at the Harwood Art Center in Albuguerque, NM. Check out his latest work here:
Check out the holiday "Self-Taught Show" at North Bank in Vancouver. Four Cannibals artists are now showing their work at this venue...Jeremy Hardie, Sylvia Miller, Larry Cwik, and Michael Adamson.
Jeremy Hardie
Sylvia Miller
Larry Cwik
Pammela Springfield will be at the "Check 'em Off Green" show at the Marshall Center in Vancouver, Dec. 14, 10 AM to 4 PM.
Jason Berlin is showing his work this month at the Guardino Gallery (The Little Things Show) on Alberta St. He is also the featured artist at the Broadway Gallery in Longview, Washington, 1418 Commerce Monday - Saturday 10 AM to 5:30 PM...First Thursday opening-5:30 to 7:00 PM.
Meet artist, LeeAnn Gauthier at the Lan Su Chinese Garden Artist Members' Exhibit...reception is 3 to 5 pm on Saturday, Dec. 7
Special note to all Cannibals artists from Pammela:
The Cascade Auction has issued its annual call for work to be juried into the 2014 Grand events. Cannibals will be participating again this year, with hopes that at least five artists will pull in under the Cannibals' banner that we might have our own display wall. All of the signs point to the possibility of getting a great shot at the live auction, and the honorable mention positions in the catalog. The selection of this year's jury members leans to the "open" ideas that Cannibals so often embodies. Please consider donating work, and continuing the legacy of community contribution by Cannibals artists. Thus far two artists have responded, and the deadline is in the Cascade website call to artists. When you offer the work, please put Cannibals as your gallery, and we will once again have a presence as a cohesive group. Thanks for every effort, and I hope to see you at the event.