Ah, summer vacation is here and of course that includes artists as well. It is a harder to create work in the studio, basement, garage or patio when the garden is so lush with promise. The warming temperatures can set us all on paths to the compressed enjoyment of our Northwest outdoor pleasures. Many of the Cannibal artists could be found on the streets of Alberta for the First Friday event, and several are headed out to a summer series of lectures at the coast. In July, some of the Cannibals will be in attendance at the Edgefield Lodge Cracked Pots Art Fair. This is the first year that the organization permitted professional artists, who do not create art solely for the garden, to participate. We are very excited to be included in this event, and hope that it can come to be an annual exposure for us. Additionally, GLEAN will have a presence at the show, where a representative from Cannibals, Greg Hanson, who was one of the five finalists chosen from a citywide search, will be in attendance with information about his gleaning work (for art materials) at the Metro Transfer Station (the city dump). In the area designated for Cannibals, there will also be the work and musings of Janet Julian, Sylvia Miller and Darlene Schaper, as well as Greg Hanson.
The show has a segment which calls for all artists to compose a work which could be revolving around the theme "Containers." It would be terrific if both patrons and artists who are in the community of the Cannibals Gallery could find the way to submit a piece for the viewing. The message of recycle, local and contemporary is one which is always needing to be massaged into the public consciousness. If the work is judged in the first three winning totals, from a popularity vote by attendees, it is awarded a cash prize in addition to being sold without commission. Check the regulations and rules put forth, and, please, consider showing a piece. Check out the Cracked Pots website here.
The Cracked Pots Art Show:
Tuesday, July 24
Wednesday, July 25
10 am - 8 pm
McMenamins Edgefield
2126 S.W. Halsey St.
Troutdale, OR
Cannibals continues to search for a permanent location, and is happy to hear from those of you who have sent in suggestions, and addresses of possible spaces. Hopefully, everyone is set to have a wonderful summer of expanding vision, and that Cannibals will be in a more permanently accessible address coming soon.
The show has a segment which calls for all artists to compose a work which could be revolving around the theme "Containers." It would be terrific if both patrons and artists who are in the community of the Cannibals Gallery could find the way to submit a piece for the viewing. The message of recycle, local and contemporary is one which is always needing to be massaged into the public consciousness. If the work is judged in the first three winning totals, from a popularity vote by attendees, it is awarded a cash prize in addition to being sold without commission. Check the regulations and rules put forth, and, please, consider showing a piece. Check out the Cracked Pots website here.
The Cracked Pots Art Show:
Tuesday, July 24
Wednesday, July 25
10 am - 8 pm
McMenamins Edgefield
2126 S.W. Halsey St.
Troutdale, OR
Cannibals continues to search for a permanent location, and is happy to hear from those of you who have sent in suggestions, and addresses of possible spaces. Hopefully, everyone is set to have a wonderful summer of expanding vision, and that Cannibals will be in a more permanently accessible address coming soon.

Cannibals Gallery once again sent several artists to the annual CAP auction in Portland. Big congratulations to those twelve artists who participated this year!
Join us this summer as Cannibals sends several artists to the
Crackedpots Art Show!
Recycled Art at its finest!
July 24 - 25
10:00 am to 8:00 pm
McMenamins Edgefield
2126 SW Halsey St.
Troutdale, OR

Lost Portland
Photos by Dale Frounfelter