The show in New York has been a great success, with a huge impact on social media crediting Cannibals, C.O.W. and the individual artists. Stephen Michael Rondel has asked to extend the showcase until the end of October, and I have agreed. There has been a wrench in the show, a theft of Joshua Zirschky's print of the Cambodia killing fields during a sold out performance of the International Fringe Festival. Even with five additional monitors provided by the festival, someone was able to rip his enormous print from the foyer without detection. The detective handling the case considers it to be an intruder from the street crime.
The show will be continuing through the end of October, and you can tell your friends and family in the area to keep a time for seeing it on their calendar. Locally, several Cannibal artists have shows in September. Alex Lilly has paintings at Woolley gallery, Brooke Weston and Mark Crummet are participating in the "Oddities" show at Lane gallery, Srule Brachman will be at Guardino beginning late September, and Nation is organizing a salon show.
The GLEAN project (an art residency which sends local artists to the Metro Transfer Station...the city dump) which for the former two years had chosen Cannibal candidates to participate, has their final show now at Disjecta (final day-Sept. 8). It is an opportunity to consider how to apply for this funded, six month project, and possibly make contact with the director, Amy Wilson. Greg Hanson, one of the candidates from last year, highly recommends the experience. He had an amazing experience, and in total, sold nine pieces of those he created for the show at Disjecta, as well as several others at a gallery in NYC, while making lasting connections with future patrons, and finding kindred artists locally.
I am still actively pursuing space for the new incarnation of Cannibals, and also speaking with a host of wizards about a direction to expand the website to include, host and promote new work and new artists. I continue to get inquiries, offers of work and introductions to new artists through the website, but... it is not as satisfying as having a beautiful space to view and present. Hopefully soon.
Finally we all send our good thoughts to Sylvia Miller, a Cannibals cornerstone, in her current wrestling match with chemotherapy.
Pammela Springfield